Single Serving No-Bake Cookie Dough Balls
Prep time
Total time
What to do when you are craving cookie dough and need it NOW?! Make these single-serving no bake cookie dough ballss!! They are made start to finish in less than 5 minutes, and while it makes a generous serving, it’s the perfect amount for one sitting!
Recipe type: Breakfast, Snack, Healthy Dessert
Cuisine: Gluten-Free, Whole Grain, Vegan, No Bake
Serves: 6-7 bites; 1 large serving
  • ½ cup oats, ground into oat flour (about ⅓ cup + 1-2 tablespoons oat flour)
  • 2 tablespoons nut butter of choice
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup*
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon milk or water**
  • 1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips
  • Sea salt
  1. Stir oat flour, nut butter, liquid sweetener, vanilla extract, and pinch of salt together.
  2. Add in milk or water, 1 teaspoon at a time, until a cookie texture forms and mixture can roll/stick together into balls.
  3. Stir in chocolate chips.
  4. Roll into balls.
  5. Eat and enjoy!
  6. Store any leftovers in fridge for up to 1 week.
  7. Very freezer friendly too for up to a couple months.
*see post for tested options. You can sub honey, agave, date syrup, etc.
**see post for details on milk! Start with 1 teaspoon and gradually increase as needed.
Recipe by Audra's Appetite at